We teach the cheeky Charleston...
We perform the cheeky Charleston...
We EVEN hold a Guinness World Record for the largest number of people to dance the Charleston - a whopping 1096 people!

Shrewsbury Quarry Saturday 22nd September 2018: £5092 raised for Severn Hospice

Dance your way back to the roaring twenties
and master the steps of the ever-popular Charleston!
Dancing the Charleston is all about having fun, letting go and showing character. The style is bouncy and energetic and hugely enjoyable to learn and perform. Expect to swing your arms, swivel your feet, slap your bottom, kick, flick and shimmy! It is without wonder that the Charleston was THE dance craze of the 1920’s.
In this class you will get to grips with the iconic Charleston step in which you will practice swivelling your feet and swinging your arms at the same time. You’ll learn a variety of fundamental moves: Scarecrow, Shoeshine, Windmill, Hitch hiker and Crazy knees to name a few! As you progress you ‘ll learn arms and feet variations on your basic Charleston step, as well as build on your vocabulary of classic 20’s Charleston and Vintage Jazz moves.
To maximize your enjoyment of the class and build muscle memory, you will learn a piece of Charleston choreography over 5 weeks. Routines are choreographed to a mix of music from 1920's ragtime jazz to upbeat electro swing as well as modern tracks.

Our Charleston class is aimed and both men and women and doesn’t require you to bring a partner. Some of our routines include partner sequences which give exciting contrast to solo choreography.
Whether you've never danced before or consider yourself to be a 'two left feet' kind of person you really will love this class. We will guide you through step by step so you'll never be out of your depth, in fact we guarantee that you'll smile and dance at the same time... how's that for co-ordination! This class is very light-hearted and socialable and you’ll find that you form some lovely friendships as well as a new love for dancing.
We hope that you will love Charleston dancing so much that you will want to become a member of our performance groups - 'The 'Dapper Flappers'!
Should you wish to show off your dancing talent, there are opportunities to perform Charleston routines at local events and festivals.
So come along and discover your new hobby!

Tell me about Charleston Dancing

The Charleston is a totally thrill-seeking dance !
Perhaps one of the best known craze dances, it's rhythm and steps instantly make you think of Flappers, Roaring Twenties, The Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby and Speak Easy.
This springy, bouncy and energetic jazz dance involves fast paced swinging legs, swivelling feet, big arm movements and comical poses. Toes turn in, knees knock together, chest shimmies and high kicks - are just some of the shapes and movements that characterise this infectious dance style.
The Charleston became extremely popular after appearing along with the song, "The Charleston," by James P. Johnson in the Broadway musical Runnin' Wild in 1923 and reached its height by 1926. It was danced solo and in couples by both young women (known as Flappers) and young men of that generation who wanted to shed the stodgy etiquette and moral codes of their parents' generation.
After the horror, heartache and hardship of the First world war, people wanted to dance and let loose in their attire, actions, and attitudes. The young women cut their hair, shortened their skirts, drank alcohol, smoked, wore makeup, and their dancing became more wild and uninhibited. Rather than dancing the popular dances of the late 19th century and early 20th century, such as the polka, two-step, or waltz, the freer generation of the Roaring Twenties created a new dance craze to reflect their spirit. Its daring exuberance horrified the establishment and was even banned in some dance halls.
Now a Strictly Come Dancing favourite the Charleston was first introduced in 2009, when it was the breakthrough dance for Chris Hollins and Ola Jordan, who went on to win the trophy. In dance terms, Hollins wasn't the strongest celebrity or dancer to have won Strictly but it was bouncy Charleston that showed his personality and made him a serious contender.
As well as providing you with a good physical work out, the Charleston is a fantastic mood tonic - its cheeky nature brings an easy smile to your face and as many class members will testify - it's a hugely uplifting hobby.

Benefits of attending a weekly Charleston class

Develop and improve dance skill and artistry
Develop sense of musicality
Great means of exercise
Improved Co ordination, balance, flexibility
Memory workout – remembering sequences of steps
Have fun!
Discover and sustain an interest
Meet new people, make friends and be part of a lively group
Increase confidence and sociability
Improve performance skills
Discover a new passion for vintage clothing!
Importantly our classes gives you the opportunity to take a break from your phone, work and family life and enjoy being focused, present and ‘in the moment’.